Updates: Liberation, Social Justice, and Esotericism
A couple of updates and appearances from Nicholas Laccetti on occultism, esotericism, and politics elsewhere on the internet!
A couple of updates and appearances from Nicholas Laccetti on occultism, esotericism, and politics elsewhere on the internet!
“The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone” — through the leadership of the poor and the rejected in this new movement, may we continue to hew the rough ashlar of our broken society, so that it may become the perfect stone fit for its place in God’s Temple, restoring that divine estate in which “all men by nature were created alike.”
The Mercy Junction Justice and Peace Center in Chattanooga, TN has had to halt its mission of justice to deal with a cult-like group renting space from them calling themselves the Church of Urth.
Rosicrucianism stands in opposition to ideas like the Benedict Option, instead acting as a leaven for the total reformation of society: a Rosencreuz Option.
What would an esoteric order of the left accelerationism, working secretly toward Universal Reformation in all spheres of modern life, look like?
In a time when articles in the mainstream press highlight Steve Bannon’s occultism, what is the relationship between esotericism and politics? Can esotericism support human rights and social change, or is it inherently conservative — or inherently apolitical? Or does esotericism have the potential to undergird a liberating populist spirituality?
Though I encourage occultists to #ExorciseTrump, I don’t agree with “binding” him. The reason requires some good theology, and less viral marketing.